There are a lot of different tones in which I could write this post, mostly because this is such a big change from the status quo of the Earnshaw family and I haven't sorted out my feelings about it. So instead of coherence, this may just be an amalgamation of a lot of thoughts. Get ready.

love Mario's family. My family isn't the emotional type; we say "I love you," but we're better at written expressions of affection. Mario's dad (Mario Sr.) made sure that we fulfilled a tradition of his family before we ate lunch the day before the wedding (aka the day of the reception). We all gathered in the living room and he expressed his love for Mario and Corinne and his happiness for having another daughter. I felt a little awkward because I was sitting next to them on the couch and so I felt like he was looking at me when he was talking to Corinne because we were all upons; sorry, Corinne. Mario Sr. then asked my dad for permission for Mario to marry Corinne, and of course my dad said yes, and then Mario asked my dad, and he said yes again. And then Mario's parents said things they liked about Corinne and my parents said things they liked about Mario. It was really nice. Obviously the details are escaping me, like what exactly was said, but after my initial awkwardness at the open display of affection, I was really glad the Garcias initiated that public and spoken acceptance of each Mario and Corinne into the other's family.

The reception that night was so fun and relaxed (for me at least). Mom curled my hair (girl-fail), so I felt beautiful which is always nice. Corinne's colors were black, white and gold. Camille made her cake; it was her first one and it turned out beautifully and it was delicious. I ate more of that cake than anything else this weekend... I wish I was kidding when I say that. The fried coconut shrimp were amazing, as were the rolls. But besides the delectable food, I saw so many people who I hadn't connected with in a long time, and it made me feel very loved.

They were so good at coming up to me and initiating conversation, for which I was grateful due to my social-skills struggle. Nothing of great importance was said, but I felt like in two seconds of talking I connected heart to heart with these people, which doesn't always happen easily to me. I blushed as they said I had grown up beyond their expectations, and I was happy to tell them about my upcoming mission call. That night, all the girls (except Camille who has her own home) were up talking and I realized for the millionth time why I love my family so much.
Table outside reception hall. Grandpa Earnshaw painted that
Boston Temple picture for their wedding present. |
Camille's masterpiece |

The moment when it really hit me that Corinne was married was when they walked out of the temple. Just family and Abbey were gathered outside; it was a group of about 25 people. The instant the doors opened and Corinne and Mario walked out this happiness just hit me, straight from them to me. It wasn't my own happiness, it was their's spilling over to fill everyone who saw them. I don't cry often, but I was so full of joy at this eternal bond that had been forged in the Lord's house that I couldn't hold it back. I quickly restrained it (we still had pictures to take), but that first moment of feeling and seeing Corinne as married to such a good man as Mario will not be forgotten.
In the spirit of a
Conference that talked so much about families, I just want to say how grateful I am for the examples of my family for living their covenants and always showing me that the gospel is the way to happiness. I can't think of people I would rather be sealed to for eternity. I love you all more than you know.
My whole fam damily outside the temple |
Just the immediate family at the reception hall |
P.S. - If you aren't familiar with where the
title of this post comes from, then I'm sorry for you. Also, please ask any other questions about the wedding or reception or anything else. I didn't want to make this a marathon post, although it seems to have turned out that way anyways.
I loved that post! I loved getting the wedding from your perspective. And yes, I love our family, too! I can't wait to see who you marry!!! But first, I can't wait to see where you'll go on your mission!!