Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wedding blog.

So I'm getting married in June. To this cutie:

I'm really excited. But I also occasionally get overwhelmed by the fact that I'm going to school full time, working 20 hours a week, volunteering for two organizations, and planning a wedding that's taking place 2500 miles away to a man that lives 5000 miles away from me. 

The part that overwhelms me is the wedding part. I'm not very artistic (the only activity I do that can be even close to creative is making cards out of cut outs from magazines) and the idea of planning a big formal event like a wedding for 100+ people intimidates me. There's the balance between cheap but not cheap looking, trendy but not tacky, classy but not stiff. I need a color scheme, announcements, engagements, a dress, a venue, decorations, food, flowers, a cake, and so much more that is all tied together by a single theme that I decide on. I've thought a lot and have some good ideas, but frankly, I can't see it coming together without some help.

 I went back and forth thinking about doing some wedding blog posts to get feedback from other people. Do I want/trust advice from strangers? Do I want to expose my wedding insecurities (about the planning, not the groom... no insecurities there) so publicly? And then I decided why not. At the end of the day, I can use all the help I can get, and it'll be useful for me to write out my thoughts coherently. I'll be posting about announcements, color scheme, my dress (that I just got today!!), reception venue, and pretty much anything else that comes to mind. I'm asking for feedback!

But just to get the wedding creativity juices/excitement flowing, here are some of our engagements. I love them! Photo credit to Lisa Ruth Photography!


  1. you two are so precious! and so happy together :)
    just got back to a computer and internet...i'll get those pictures to you tomorrow :)

    love you

    p.s. you+ your dress = a stunning combo

  2. OLIVIAAAAA!!!! I. LOVE. ALL. OF. YOUR. ENGAGEMENTS. YOU GUYS ARE GORGEOUS TOGETHER!! I am SO excited for your wedding! And it will be beautiful. And you are beautiful. And you're in LOVE and at the end of the day, that is all that matters. Love you!

  3. Ah!! You guys are babes! The bottom picture is definitely my favorite!

  4. I am so excited for you (I know I've said that before) but I've seen you and so many of your sisters grow up right in front of me and it's really amazing to see what might be as my daughters grow up too! I love all you Earnshaw girls! if you need ANYTHING - please ask. I would love to help! lv kerry
