Thursday, September 5, 2013

Hello, Pittsburgh.

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Sometimes I feel like it, though. I really wish I had an iPhone or a camera so that I could document every step of this crazy time in Pittsburgh, but I guess a picture couldn't really capture the relief of having a working fridge after three days of no electricity, or the panic of being lost on my way to Bed, Bath & Beyond (again), or the taste of the homemade tomato sauce, dowry rolls, and reverse whoopies I made for dinner. A camera could capture our beautiful high ceiling apartment with its big windows and wood floors, our lack of furniture (we just got a desk chair! Yay for sitting down!), and the lush, green hills that make up the majority of Pittsburgh (and make my runs extra hard).

It's definitely been more difficult than I thought it would be to move out here, which I don't like to say because everyone moves and why should I whine about it! But luckily, I have a husband who loves me and works hard, an awesome ward, a functional car, and maybe even a few job options (like receptionist at a pet hospital. Sweet, right?). Life is good.

Blog posts to come: Wedding Day, Honeymoon Cruise, Camp Kesem, Life as a stay at home...wife.

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