Everyone knows I'm obsessed with blue. I just looked through my facebook profile pictures to prove my point ("Just look at my prof pics, I'm wearing blue in all of them!"), but I'm actually only wearing blue in like 25% of them. Just know I love blue things. Something about having blue eyes.
So when picking my wedding colors, I at least knew one of them: blue. But in case you didn't know, there's a freakin' million different blues. I didn't want a sailor theme--too cliche since I'm from Maine. I wasn't getting married in the winter, so I couldn't have it be too wintry or cold blues. Luckily there's a brilliant site for people who are color-matching impaired (and the non-impaired) called
The Perfect Palette. I clicked on a blue I liked and scrolled through the options til I found one I liked. I'm a pretty conservative person, and Brian will look, admittedly, incredibly dashing in a gray suit (that he's purchasing in Portugal; so classy), so blue and gray it is. And I didn't want a white dress, so sure, how about ivory. These are the paint chips/color swatches I got from Walmart to sent to the bridal party:

The plan isn't to have matching dresses or suits. I just want everyone in our families and then my bridesmaids and his groomsmen to wear something that matches one of the colors I send them. So, blue shirt, gray skirt? Sure thing. Ivory dress and navy sweater? Perfect. Solid blue ties for sure. And suspenders. Some samples:
What should I do for shoes--just have them pick a color? Gray heels perhaps?
Or accessories? I love pearls...
Cute random dating story: If you click on the Perfect Palette link, you'll come up to a palette that I originally picked out a long time ago... When Brian and I dated the first time, I thought we would get married, and one day at work (I was doing an internship in DC while Brian was PhD-ing it up in Pittsburgh) I didn't have a lot to do, so I compiled pictures of colors, rings, wedding dresses, and announcements I liked. Not only are we using the colors I picked out about 14 months ago, my ring is one off the doc, and I'm modeling the announcements after one that I found then. Life happens in cycles, I guess :)
You should see it on my finger :) |