You always hear how you have to pick good friends because they shape who you become. Well, I can't imagine a better friend than this beautiful girl:
Caitlin's the kind where you always know if you have something stuck in your teeth, she'll tell you, and if you're having a bad day, she'll want to listen to John Mayer and make cookie dough, and if her family is going to Disneyworld, she'll invite you along. Not to mention we've known each other forEVER and we still say the same words at the same time even though I see her just a couple times a year. Her parents offered their Maine lake property, with the complementary big red barn, for the reception; they really are my second parents, so naturally she's my sixth sister :)
So yeah, definitely best friends; no question there. So the fact that she's also located in Boston where I'm getting married, we're having the reception on her family's land, and she's fantastic at getting things done on a schedule made her the hands-down choice for being my maid of honor.
We were both so giggly after I asked her; we're so excited!! She immediately made a pinboard on pinterest that we can both pin to. During our skype date we bounced a lot of ideas around: smores bar maybe, chocolate fountain, homemade vanilla for favors, a tent with a dance floor and a band next to the barn, maybe catered food, flowers and candles for center pieces, lots of twinkle lights... it's going to be amazing. She caught onto the theme and feel for what I want the reception to be like very easily. She's smart like that.
Just to give you a lil taste of what Caitlin and I are like together, here's some pics from freshman year on:
In Disneyland. We were bored in the car I think. April 2007. |
Natural Helper retreat. Sharing a whoopie pie of course. January 2008. |
Mika concert. Literally last row. Orpheus Theater. February 2008. |
Trick o' treating haul as seniors. She was an m&m and I was a hershey kiss. Oct 2008. |
Laura's birthday party. Dec 2008. |
Senior Prom. Our dresses were pretty similar... May 2009. |
Puzzling it out at Morey. New Years 2012. |
Ellen, me, and Caitlin getting fro yo in Boston <3.
Aug 2012 |
PS: cute story about Brian because I have to because he's been sleeping for five hours and I miss him. So one time I come home from school (Feb 1 specifically) and it's been a long day, not particularly bad, but long, and I see a package on my table. Not like from the mail, just a present, fitted nicely in green wrapping paper. And it's addressed to me. My first though was crap, which of my guy friends doesn't know I'm engaged and got me something (a little pretentious...) but then I'm like nah, it's gotta be from Brian... who used Aaron to deliver it! But what could it be? I drop my bag, take off the wrapping paper, and lo and behold, the most adorable calendar ever with pictures of me and Brian over the years we've known each other and the places we've been and the places we'll go :) Everyone in my family and his (and even my friends!) got their picture on their birthday so I can't forget and in July there's pictures from Moab and the Grand Canyon when we went two years ago, August has pictures from Pittsburgh because that's where we'll live then, June's pictures are of the Boston temple because that's when and where we're getting married, November from our Thanksgiving in Lisbon. It made me unbelievably happy. He's the best.