Alright, I admit it, I wrote that title to get pity. But really, you can’t read that without a little “Oh” escaping from your mouth as you think a)she’s a nerd, b) she’s a procrastinator, c)that sucks. But really, I was on campus by 8:30 am and proceeded to research the living daylights out of U.S. foreign policy towards Guantanamo Bay. I then made it in my door by 11 pm, which I was happy about. Besides writing 12 pages of researched goodness, I did a few fun things during the day that made my time spent in the library far more bearable.

Labor’sLove Lost with Alex and Kameron was at 2. Shout out to Matt Fife! Will you be my chaplain? The dancing scenes made me really happy, I officially can’t understand Shakespeare, and I only fell asleep once at the very beginning! I thought it was fantastic, and this is coming from someone who has difficulty appreciating theater. I like being proven wrong, especially when it cost $8. But really, I was a huge fan, especially because I could follow the story without understanding what they were saying. That’s what I call good acting. My favorite scene was when each guy came out and was practicing his declaration of love, and then would hide behind that white curtain as the next guy came. And then they all called each other out on their hypocrisy because they had broken the oath! So funny.
One canister of Pringles and a bag of Swedish fish later, it was 9:30 pm and I was really close to finishing, like one more paragraph. Dave calls and is like, “Hey, I’ve been staring at my computer screen for nine hours, let’s do something.” And I was like, “Give me thirty minutes and we can play pool!” So I finish up my paper (mostly; it’s not due until Thursday!) and head over to the Wilk where I proceed to play the best game of pool in my life. Ben Young, remember that time we played and I was horrible and you were the reason our team won? Well, I’ll have you know I dominated last night. Dave played really well too; we both think there’s a connection with having spent inordinate amounts of time staring at computer screens. In any case, Dave still beat me by 9 points (we were playing speed pool), but I’m happy with my performance. And Dave is good at not rubbing his blatant pool superiority.